Merlin Association for Promotion of Creativity

KazališteOn 10 February 2014, Istrian National Theatre was the venue of the play titled HAHA2O, peformed by the Moruzgva Theater and the Puppet Factory Theater from Zagreb. All students of the preschool playroom watched the show together with their educators. The play "Haha20" is a story about the friendship of the only remaining drop from the dried-out lake and a lonely girl named Paola. The droplet and Paola meet and start the adventure of a lifetime - a return of the dried-up lake.

All preschool students enjoyed the show and were later provided a treat - a meal at McDonald's, so that their excursion to Pula was a complete happy expertience.


Nacionalna zaklada
EEA Grants
Norway Grants
Primorsko-goranska županija
Grad Opatija

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