For fifteen years, the Society Our Children Pula has been successfully organizing Children's Carnival and Masquerade for preschool and school-age children. Merlin Association joined the carnival parade and a central program in the amphitheater (Arena) on 27 February 2014. Twenty children from the preschool playroom "Morning Flower" participated in the carnival. The program of the Children's Center in Vodnjan promotes multiculturalism, tolerance and provides equal preschool educational opportunities to all children, early learning of Croatian language, inclusion in the regular education system and stay in it.
Cheerful group of blue Smurf greeted all participants of the Carnival, City of Pula and donors of the Children's Center: County of Istria, the National Foundation for Civil Society Development, Agency for Adult Education of Croatia and the European Union. The amphitheater was full of masked children, who had fun with donuts and hot tea, music and a variety of animators, and who got a gift package following the presentation of the masks. This year, our costumes were sewed by the employees of the safety organization TEKOP NOVA, so our masked carnival group of Smurfs later joyfully visited their factory. Children visited a manufacturing facility and met with the tailor, learned about the sewing machines and various methods of making clothes.